Aesthetic Dentistry - | Başakşehir Diş Doktoru - Başakşehir Diş Beyazlatma Tedavisi



Aesthetic Dentistry

Nowadays, the removal of dental problems is related to the appearance of the tooth rather than dental disease. Aesthetic dentistry, with the combination of several branches of dentistry, aims to make the teeth look healthy as well as aesthetic in appearance. With the developing technology, the perception of aesthetic teeth becomes widespread and its development is ensured. As it is known, the appearance of the teeth also affects the physical outlook and social environment.

In aesthetic dentistry, the aesthetic appearance is determined according to the person’s mouth structure and dental needs. Thus, the methods and the applications in aesthetic tooth appearance vary from person to person. Apart from the mouth and teeth structure of the person, the physical appearance and facial features are very important. The most ideal aesthetic appearance is obtained according to facial features.

Aesthetic Dentistry Methods

As we mentioned, the applications in the field of aesthetic dentistry are based on the physical appearance of the person. The treatments and procedures we apply to provide an aesthetic appearance are performed by specialist dentists in our clinic. The aesthetic dentistry methods we apply are as follows:

  • Adhesive systems; It covers the changes made on the tooth with forms such as shape, size, and color. These applications are generally seen as tooth bonding processes. It covers applications such as repairing broken teeth, filling interdental spaces, and whitening tooth color with adhesive processes. This method is mostly used in aesthetic dentistry.
  • Composite filling; It is the most natural-looking filling type among dental fillings. It is also frequently used in aesthetic dentistry. The process is completed in a short time and a well-groomed tooth appearance is obtained.
  • Porcelain veneer is also a method that is widely used in the field of aesthetic dentistry in cases where there is more than one missing tooth. In addition, we can apply more than one type of porcelain tooth veneer in the form that will be most suitable for the teeth.

Aesthetic Dentistry Scopes

Today, as in every field, aesthetics is a separate branch in dentistry. Aesthetic dentistry covers many processes and fields such as smile aesthetics, gum aesthetics, teeth whitening, porcelain laminate applications, implant applications. Our specialists choose the most suitable one among all these methods with your participation and obtain the aesthetic dental appearance as you want.

Tooth Crystal

The appearance of our teeth is very important to us. Recently, dental accessories, which we call dental crystals, are produced and worn for our teeth. A beautiful appearance is obtained by sticking the tooth crystal to the tooth surface. In the process of bonding the dental crystals to the teeth, no abrasion is made on the teeth, and durability is ensured using special adhesives.

Tooth crystals do not fall out easily unless there is a hard bite. In addition, the falling tooth crystals can be re-glued. When the tooth crystal falls, it does not affect the tooth surface and does not harm the teeth. When you want to remove the crystal, it is removed at any time. After the polishing processes on the tooth surface, the teeth acquire their old appearance. There is no damage to the bonded tooth.

What is Tooth Crystal?

Dental crystals are dental accessories that will create a pleasant image on your teeth during your smiles on the teeth. Especially preferred by women, dental crystal is frequently preferred today due to its easy use and easy removal when desired. Dental crystals that you apply within the scope of your own possibilities may fall due to poor quality adhesives.

What’s more, the fallen crystal may leave a permanent discoloration of the tooth. The poor-quality adhesive may overflow around the dental crystal causing discoloration and plaques. Therefore, it is healthier for you if the dental crystals are attached by a specialist.

How To Attach Tooth Crystal?

Recently you can find and wear dental crystals almost everywhere. However, the adhesives used to adhere the dental crystal to the tooth surface are qualitatively different from the adhesives used by dentists.

While the dental crystal is attached by our dentists, the use of an adhesive that will not harm the tooth surface and tissue is ensured. We obtain the desired tooth appearance by taking your opinion. In addition, the tooth crystal does not require any special care. Daily cleaning operations can be continued. Although the tooth crystal does not change the color of the teeth, the color of the tooth crystal does not change either. With the smooth surface of the tooth crystal, it does not disturb the lips and you while eating.

Tooth crystal is a practical dental accessory that can be used easily and makes your appearance beautiful.

Aesthetic Fillings

Aesthetic fillings are the most natural and most compatible dental fillings. In this type of filling, when starting the filling process, the choice of filling color is in the same tone as the person’s own tooth. Thus, a natural appearance is obtained with the filling suitable for the tooth structure and color. Because the aesthetic fillings are not visible inside the tooth, an aesthetic appearance is obtained.

With the developing technology and the activation of social life, there is a demand for aesthetic fillings due to the fact that people’s teeth health and aesthetic concerns increased. The fact that normal fillings draw attention to the mouth may not look aesthetically pleasing. The reason why aesthetic fillings are frequently preferred is that they are never noticed with the naked eye in the mouth and between the teeth. Thus, those who have aesthetic fillings can smile as they wish. Aesthetic fillings can be easily applied with no pain.

Why is Aesthetic Filling Made?

Aesthetic fillings are made with local anesthesia by ensuring that only the essential area is numb. Since it is an easily applicable method, the procedure is completed in a single session. Teeth that need to be cleaned are cleaned and decayed teeth are repaired. Afterward, the area where the filling will be placed is carved and the ground is created to facilitate the adhesion of the filling.

After the tooth surface is smoothed, bonding is applied to the area in order to bond the filling well. The tooth filling adheres to the area after the color is adjusted. The size and height of the infill are very important.

Irradiation processes are performed on the filling and it is made suitable for the tooth. Performing the procedure in a single session is very comfortable for patients. Problems such as plaque and caries on the teeth should be immediately removed and cleaned. These problems may not remain in the same dimensions but may spread.

The cavity left after the removal of dental plaque and caries is filled with filling. Due to the inevitable use of filling, filling processes have been developed in many types and structures. Aesthetic fillings are the most compatible with the teeth among these filling types. They are invisible dental fillings.

How Long Is the Life of Aesthetic Filling?

Aesthetic fillings are one of the most durable filling types because they are created with a filling material called composite. In addition, the service life of the fillings in the teeth, which are regularly cleaned and maintained, will be longer. Unless problems such as leakage between the teeth do not occur, the service life of the filling is longer.

Inlay and Onlay Dental Restorations

Inlay and onlay dental restorations are one of the aesthetic dental applications applied to teeth that do not require filling and whose tooth structure is not damaged or damaged enough to require coating. The difference between an inlay and onlay dental restorations is related to their coverage areas. Inlay dental restorations are like dental fillings and are applied to the surface of the chewing areas. Onlay dental restorations can be applied to more extensive surfaces. Inlays and onlays are made of ceramic, which is a solid, white material. It is mostly applied to the teeth with advanced caries and root canal treatment which are left with insufficient healthy tooth surfaces after cleaning.

It is a dental veneer method developed to prevent material loss in teeth. Onlays are the preferred method for covering more damaged teeth. The materials used for these methods are composed of robust, durable materials suitable for chewing. Sometimes tooth decay occurs in a part of the tooth and has not spread. The tooth with the removed tooth decay is not as strong as before and it weakens. With inlay and onlay dental restorations, this weakened tooth coating is remade and the tooth is strengthened.

Depending on the size and location of the area where tooth weakness occurs, one of the two methods is preferred. By filling the gaps with these methods, we obtain teeth in full contact and adaptation with each other. People treated with these methods use these veneers with satisfaction.

Tooth Restorations Filling Treatment

Dental restorations are known as filling veneers. Inlay and onlay dental restorations provide support and strength as well as cover the tooth spaces where they are applied. The decision is made according to the size of the damage and salvage status of the tooth. Depending on the extent of the damage to the tooth, a choice is made between the two methods. With these methods, which are determined according to the coverage area of the damage, the most suitable dental veneers are made for the structure of other teeth.

Dental Restoration Applications

Inlays and onlays, which are dental restorations, are methods aimed at saving teeth and eliminating tooth loss. As it is known, the choice of treatment and cleaning methods is very important to ensure dental health and save your teeth. Our dentists determine the most suitable treatment method for the structure of the teeth and perform the cleaning and coating processes that will provide you with the most beautiful smile.

Porcelain Laminate Teeth

Lamina dental aesthetic configuration, which we call porcelain veneer, is one of the veneers we apply. Porcelain laminate teeth: It is applied in cases such as deterioration, staining, and breakage on tooth surfaces, which we describe as aesthetic deterioration.

Porcelain laminate teeth, which are designed meticulously and carefully in accordance with the dimensions by taking the mouth and tooth measurements of the person, become ready for use by sticking them to the front parts of the teeth. It is very important that the lamina teeth adhered here are compatible and equal to the measurement. They should not erode each other with other teeth in the applied area. Lamina teeth are one of the dental procedures that give the most natural appearance. Due to its very thin appearance, its presence on the tooth is very difficult to understand.

In Which Situations Is Porcelain Lamina Teeth Applied?

Porcelain laminate teeth make the use inevitable in some cases. These situations are mainly:

  • It is used in cases where color balance does not result in teeth whitening.
  • It is applied when the tooth structure is deformed and unformed.
  • It is applied in cases of excessive tooth gap or tooth cavity.
  • It is also applied when repairing is required in broken or deformed teeth.
  • It is applied when treatment is needed in crooked, curved tooth structures.
  • Porcelain lamina dental treatment is applied in case the filling of the previously filled teeth is unusable.

This method can be applied to almost any tooth structure and anyone who wishes. We provide the closest aesthetic appearance to the natural appearance of the teeth. The desired tooth structure is obtained with minimal adjustment and correction. The materials used in the lamina teeth created by our clinic are made of solid, long-lasting, and durable materials. The treatment to be done on the model is recommended without directly interfering with the teeth, and the procedures are continued in that way.

How Long Do Porcelain Lamina Teeth Live?

Even if porcelain laminate teeth are in a solid structure, their lifespan is determined by care and cleaning. It should be known that the more meticulously care and attention are given, the longer its lifespan will be. Operations that may damage the structure of the teeth (such as cracking nuts like hazelnuts, walnuts with the teeth) should be avoided. Hard vegetables and fruits that can damage natural tooth enamel should not be consumed. We offer you the lamina dental treatment closest to your own teeth and most suitable for your mouth structure by our clinic.

Zirconium Teeth

The materials used in making zirconium teeth are mostly ceramic and porcelain. Porcelain and ceramic are shiny and solid. No metal material is used in making zirconium teeth. It is applied in the process of covering the tooth surfaces for an aesthetic looking. Zirconium is the veneer applied to the outer surfaces of the teeth to obtain an aesthetic appearance of especially the decayed teeth.

Zirconium is a natural-looking veneer with a solid structure. Due to its solid structure, breaking and cracking are often not experienced. It is highly resistant to structural disorder and wears, such as oxidation. Zirconium teethe are naturally structured teeth that are very compatible with the main teeth. In addition, they provide an aesthetic appearance in the anterior teeth and strength in the posterior teeth.

Zirconium Dental Veneer Application

Zirconium teeth are one of the most useful types of dental veneers to use. It is known for its durability as it is made of solid materials. The white color preserves its form for a long time. They are dental veneers that do not contain metal and have a lot of similarities to the main teeth. It does not cause tooth sensitivity and does not pose any inconveniences in the consumption of hot and cold foods.

We apply anesthesia to the patient to minimize the feeling of pain in the veneer processes in our clinic. Reduction and leveling processes are carried out in appropriate amounts on the teeth that are measured.

Tooth size and tooth color are selected according to the wishes of the people. In addition, temporary teeth are placed by our clinic to be used until the zirconium teeth are finished, and it is aimed not to disrupt daily life. Zirconium teeth are made ready for permanent use, even if the bonding technique is applied. It does not cause any harm or damage when coating the person’s own teeth. The reason why people prefer zirconium coating is that it is very comfortable and convenient to use.

Lifespan of Zirconium Teeth

Whether it is a person’s own tooth or a veneer, the service life and aesthetic structure depend on the care and cleaning. Although zirconium teeth are covered in a structure close to your own teeth, their care and cleaning should be done meticulously. In the case of excessive consumption of foods and beverages such as cigarettes, tea, coffee, etc. that leave stains on the tooth surface, and in cases where cleaning is not provided, deterioration in the structure of the teeth may occur.

Aesthetic Smile Design

As it is known, the smile is the most important factor affecting the outlook. The application we call aesthetic smile design is the correction processes made by intervening in the teeth and gums that affect the smile.

Nowadays, clinics are not only applied for toothache, tooth loss, gum disease but also for the applications we call tooth appearance and aesthetic smile design, expert help is often sought.

Problems such as caries, crooked teeth, color change, and gum disease affect the smile and aesthetics. It may affect our social life negatively. Having healthy teeth does not mean we have an aesthetic smile. At the same time, there may be a problem in the gums or there may be a disproportionate alignment. Our clinic performs your dental analysis and applies the most appropriate method to create an aesthetic smile for you.

Which Teeth Is Smile Design Applied To?

In the application of aesthetic smile design, the facial features of the person, age maturity, and expectations are taken into account. In the first stage, gum problems are eliminated. Teeth are cleaned and decayed teeth are treated.

After cleaning and treatment procedures, gingival aesthetics is applied and teeth whitening methods are determined. With implant and prosthesis applications on the tooth, porcelain crowns and veneers are made, and smoothness is desired to be achieved. If necessary, we can even apply braces treatment on some teeth according to the dental needs. Thus, we perform the smile design according to the tooth needs and mouth structure.

How Do We Do Smile Design Procedures?

In the application of aesthetic smile design, it is very important for specialists to determine dental needs. The needs are determined according to the dimensions of the person’s mouth structure, and programs and plans are made for the treatment. Opinions of the person are taken for modifications and improvements on the model. Detections are done and deficiencies on the tooth begin to be eliminated. For example, if there is teeth cup and caries, they are treated. Afterward, the gums are aligned at the same level.

After the whole tooth structure is corrected and the level is adjusted, if necessary, teeth whitening is also performed. When all these processes are done, progress is made by taking the opinions of the person. Our clinic gives you information and takes your opinions at every dental application stage. With the transparent service concept we provide, we bring you together with the teeth you want with the peace of mind.
