Gum Treatments (Periodontology) - | Başakşehir Diş Doktoru - Başakşehir Diş Beyazlatma Tedavisi



Gum Treatments (Periodontology)

Gum is the tissue surrounding the teeth and the jawbone. The treatments of the tissue that surrounds the jawbone and teeth and allows the teeth to hold in the jawbone are defined as gingival treatments (periodontology). Periodontology deals with determining the diseases that occur in the gingiva, the treatment of gingival diseases and the post-treatment part. Dentists who have expertized in this field are also called periodontists.

What Does Periodontology Deal With?

The tissues surrounding our teeth are very important for our oral health. These tissues are both hard and soft. Gum diseases may not be noticed immediately because they do not always show symptoms.

Gum diseases can lead to dangerous situations. Some gum discomforts can cause serious infections or tooth loss. Gingivitis can lead to the resorption of the jawbones. To prevent such situations, it is very important to control gum diseases and early diagnosis.

Gum diseases are detected in the field of gingival treatments (periodontology). An appropriate treatment method is selected and applied. Then, efforts are made to protect oral health when the treatment phase is over. In our clinic, you can meet your gum treatment needs with a competent periodontist.

Symptoms of Gum Diseases

Before applying to our specialists in the field of gingival treatments (periodontology), our patients most often come to our clinic with complaints of gingival bleeding. Apart from this, the most common symptoms are swelling and redness of the gums.

Gingival recessions and sensitivity, shiny surface of the gums, itching, gums that are easily separated from the teeth, discharge, a bad smell and taste in the mouth, and loosening of the teeth are among the indicators of gum diseases.

How Do We Treat Gum Diseases?

Early diagnosis of gingival diseases is very important to avoid larger health problems. The most frequently used early treatment methods include calculus cleaning and plaque removal.

Some gum diseases may be too advanced to be treated with these methods. In such cases, we resort to surgical periodontal treatments. In these treatments, a deeper scaling is performed and a smooth root surface is aimed. Our surgical treatment methods include subgingival curettage on inflammation removal, gingivectomy that shapes the gingival margins and prevents growth, and flap operation used in cases such as bone resorption.

Frenectomy (Lip / Tongue Tie Removal)

Cutting and removing the frenulum tissue is called frenectomy (lip/tongue tie removal). The frenulum is the soft mucous tissue between the cheek, lip, tongue and gingival tissue. The number of the frenulum in a person’s mouth varies from person to person. This tissue is found under the tongue in everyone. The frenulum can be found more than once above the lower and upper anterior teeth and in the posterior region of the cheek.

Our Painless Solutions in Frenectomy Procedure

The structure of the frenulum may be larger and thicker than normal. If these structures are attached too close to the edge of the tooth, they can cause gum recession. In young children, the frenulum under the tongue may be larger than normal. In such a case, children will have speech problems.

In addition, the presence of a large and thick frenulum between the lower and upper teeth will cause the teeth not to meet. This discomfort will lead to gaps between the teeth and aesthetic problems.

If large and thick frenulums cause gingival diseases, they should be removed from that area. In addition, thick and large frenulums located between the lower and upper incisors should be taken. After these frenulums are removed, additional treatment will be required for the person’s teeth to fuse. For this reason, orthodontic treatment should be applied to the person.

Our specialist dentists remove the thick and large frenulum tissue within minutes with a procedure called Frenectomy (lip/tongue tie removal). We take this tissue with the help of a laser using the most advanced technology. Our professional dentists conclude the procedure in a short and non-bleeding way.

In some cases, large and deep tissue requires a surgical application. In such a case, our patient is sutured. Our specialist dentist completes the procedure painlessly with local anesthesia. Afterwards, the patient spends the healing process comfortably by using regular care and medication. After this procedure, there is no scar.

Lip Tie Removal Prices

We provide the professional service that we never give up on providing you, also in the process of getting lip ties. Our specialists in the field practically remove the tissue that causes distress.

The prices of frenectomy (lip/tongue tie removal) vary depending on the structure of the tissue and which method will be used. Therefore, you can make an appointment with us for our lip tie removal prices. In addition, it will be enough to call us to benefit from our dental health service and to get more information.

Gum Bleeding

While brushing our teeth, our gums can bleed for many reasons. The main cause of bleeding gums is plaque accumulating on the edges of the gums. Also, plaque accumulation causes inflamed gums. When it comes to dental health, you should not think of only the caries of the teeth. The health of all the elements in your mouth is within the scope of dental health. For this reason, gum health is as important as teeth in the field of oral and dental health.

Causes of Gum Bleeding

Gum bleeding is a result, not a cause. You can prevent this result by getting help from our specialist dentists. You need to do your daily oral and dental care properly. In addition, you can have an examination by visiting our dentists at least once every six months.

Our experienced dentists will easily identify all problems related to your oral health. Sharing the problems, you experience with our dentist during the examination will facilitate the diagnosis of possible dental diseases. Our dentist may order some tests in some cases. After all these procedures, the cause of bleeding of the gum tissue is determined. Appropriate treatment can then be started.

Bleeding of the gingival tissue may be due to reasons other than gingival diseases. Common causes of gingival bleeding are listed as;

  • Brushing the teeth too hard,
  • Using dental floss incorrectly,

. Smoking,

  • Malnutrition,
  • Vitamin deficiency,
  • Heart disease,
  • Experiencing hormonal changes,
  • Malocclusion,
  • Infection,
  • Diabetes
  • Using anticoagulant drugs.

Contact Us for Gum Bleeding

In the treatment of bleeding of the gum tissue, you must first give priority to your oral health care. We recommend that you apply to our experienced dentists and undergo a dental

examination twice a year. You should brush your teeth correctly with the right toothbrush. In addition, you should minimize the formation of dental plaque by using dental floss.

Our specialized staff will provide quality and high standards of service for the treatment of gingival bleeding. You may have any disease that causes bleeding in your gums. In such a case, we recommend that you make an appointment with our experienced dentists and be treated. Our dentists will make your treatment with the best quality equipment. Thus, with the treatment method of our dentists, who are the best in their field, you will prevent tooth loss that you may encounter in the future.

Gum Recession

Due to factors such as not paying enough attention to oral and dental care, discomfort occurs in the gum tissue. Gum recession, which is one of these disorders, occurs when the gum tissue is pulled back from the tooth or tooth root. As people age, the likelihood of receding gum tissue increases. This disorder can also be seen in young individuals, depending on genetic and environmental factors. If the recession of gum tissue is not treated, the tissues and bones that support the teeth can be damaged. As a result, tooth loss may occur.

How Do We Diagnose Gum Recession?

Our specialized staff first examines to understand whether the individual has gingival recession (periodontitis). During this examination, the individual’s medical history is reviewed. Our dentist examines the level of plaque and tartar formation by controlling the patient’s mouth and easy bleeding.

Our dentist will want to measure the pocket depth of the groove between the teeth and gums in various parts of the mouth. For this, a dental probe will be placed next to the tooth and the measurement will be made. If measurements are found in areas with deep pocket depth, dental X-rays will be taken to check for bone loss.

After these processes, our dentist will grade the recession of the gum tissue depending on the severity of the disease, risk factors, the complexity of the treatment and the health of the applicant.

How Do We Treat Gum Recession?

Our dentist will deeply clean the affected area while treating mild gingival recession. During this cleaning process, our specialist dentist will carefully remove tartar and plaque formed on the teeth below the gingival line and the root surfaces. Our dentists will smooth the exposed root area to make it harder for bacteria to attach. If our dentist deems it necessary, he can prescribe antibiotics to save the patient from the remaining harmful bacteria.

A recession of the patient’s gum tissue may have caused excessive bone loss and the formation of very deep pockets. In such a case, deep cleaning will not be sufficient as a treatment. Our expert staff can perform gingival surgery to remove such damage that causes the gingival tissue to recede.

You can contact us to reduce or prevent the recession of gingival tissue. You can be sure that we will give you the best service with our expert staff and advanced technology equipment. We recommend that you do regular dental scaling and remove the plaque accumulated on your teeth to avoid the discomfort of gingival recession.

Gum Aesthetics

Gum aesthetics, also known as pink aesthetics, helps people have an aesthetic smile by correcting gum problems such as gingival recession or asymmetrical disorders. In gingival aesthetics, it is important that the color of the gingiva is light pink and firmly adhered to the tooth and bone.

During gingival aesthetics, the gingiva is shaped according to the needs of the person and a beautiful smile is aimed. Care is taken to ensure that the gums are healthy before shaping. If the gingiva is swollen, red or bleeding, first of all, the treatment of these problems is worked on. Then the aesthetic procedure is performed.

How Do We Apply Gum Aesthetics?

Gum aesthetic application varies from person to person. Because we apply the process considering the problem that the person has. In our clinic, our specialist dentists perform the procedure that is most suitable for the problem and mouth structure of the patients. One of the concerns in this procedure is pain. Since local anesthesia is applied in gingival aesthetics, people do not feel pain. The application is performed by laser processing and is an easy method.

In the aesthetic application, the gingival cutting process called gingivectomy is performed according to the need. With the gingivoplasty procedure, the gingiva is shaped, and the sizes of the teeth are lengthened and equalized. Thus, a smooth tooth structure emerges. The appearance of the gums that comes in sight too much while laughing is worked on. This procedure is generally performed in a short time without bleeding. Recovery time differs from patient to patient. On average, it takes 10-15 days.

What are the Benefits of Gum Aesthetics?

Apart from preventing gum diseases and tooth loss, there are many benefits that gum aesthetics provide to people. One of them is a perfect smile. Having a striking smile reduces people’s aesthetic concerns. Thus, they can communicate confidently in their social or business life.

Gingivitis that may occur with gingival aesthetics is prevented. Mouth sores, bad breath and bleeding in the gums are prevented. Tooth lengths are equalized with each other and gain a smoother appearance. The tissues surrounding the teeth are made healthier. To obtain all these advantages, you can benefit from the gingival aesthetics service in our clinic and make your smile perfect.
