Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics) - | Başakşehir Diş Doktoru - Başakşehir Diş Beyazlatma Tedavisi

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root canal treatment (endodontics) is the process of removing the small tissue in the centre of the patient’s tooth, which is called the pulp. The extracted pulp is damaged, diseased or dead. When the pulp is removed, the remaining cavity is first cleaned. Then it is brought to the tooth format and filled again. With this procedure, the patient’s root canal is closed.

We Perform Root Canal Treatment in Practical Way

In the past, sick or damaged teeth were extracted. Nowadays, even teeth that are to be lost can be saved. Our specialist dentists are experienced in root canal treatment (endodontics) and practically complete the procedure. It is very important to do the procedures quickly while applying this treatment. Thus, it is ensured that the patient is least affected by the process.

The main causes of damage to the pulp tissue in the form of fine threads in the centre of the tooth may be listed as.

  • Deepening tooth decay,
  • Cracked teeth,
  • Damage to the teeth because of blows to the face in the past or recently.

Our dentists strongly advise that when the pulp becomes infected or dies, it must be treated. If the pulp is not treated, an abscess occurs in the tooth root and jawbone. As you know, abscess-induced pain is severe. Treatment is essential for the relief of these pains.

How Do We Do Root Canal Treatment?

Endodontic treatment consists of steps that will require one or more sessions. If the infection in the tooth has spread too much, the treatment is finished in three sessions. Root canal treatment (endodontics) procedures are performed by our dentists who are aware of the causes of dental nerve diseases and are specialized in their prevention. Let’s look at how our endodontists, who are specialists in their field, do this treatment.

Our dentist will take X-rays to see the shape of the root canals. Thus, he will also check whether there is an infection in the bone around the tooth. Our dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the area next to the tooth. Next, our dentist will want to keep the surrounding of the tooth free from saliva during the treatment. For this, he will place a waterproof material around the tooth.

In the next step, a hole will be drilled into the tooth. Decayed nerve tissue, dental pulp and bacteria will be removed from the tooth. The canal will be widened to thoroughly clear the infection. The canal expansion process will be completed painlessly. If the treatment is not completed within the same day, a temporary filling is made so that food residues and saliva do not enter the cavity in the tooth.

At the end of the treatment, the permanent filling material is used to fill the gap in the tooth. This filling will prevent leakage in the tooth and is a material suitable for the tooth structure.