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Orthodontic applications usually help to eliminate problems such as crooked teeth and incompatible jaws. It is a branch developed to ensure the straight alignment of the teeth and to align the colliding teeth in order. It also prevents crooked teeth from eroding the gums and causing bleeding. It is very important to determine the tooth structure and dental problems before the treatment are applied. Most problems with the jaw structure run in families and are inherited.

While most orthodontic treatments are applied, we give start by prioritizing the age of the person. In people of developmental age, if the lower or upper jaw is behind, it is treated with orthodontic methods.

The jaw structure becomes v-shaped due to the incorrect implementation of some functions. An example of these functions is mouth breathing instead of nose breathing. Apart from this, the jaw structure can deteriorate with the wrong applications made as a baby. Examples of these applications are the use of pacifiers, nail-biting, and the excessive use of feeding bottles in infants. Therefore, the jaw structure may deteriorate. In addition, if the upper jaw is narrow, it can be treated with the use of appliances.

What Does Orthodontic Treatment Include?

Orthodontic treatment is mostly used in jaw mismatches. If the jaw structure is large and the teeth remain small compared to the jaw structure, gaps may occur between the teeth. In addition, if the length of the tongue is longer than normal it can cause the opening of the teeth. The treatment of such problems is only achieved by orthodontics.

If we think another way round when the jaw structure is small and the teeth are big, then the teeth grow outside the jaw and distortion occurs in the tooth structure. As it is known, deciduous teeth fall out at a certain time. With the fall of the deciduous tooth before time, the cavity is filled by other teeth. Therefore, tooth displacement may occur. What’s more, some teeth may not erupt and stay under the palate and keep growing.

How Are Orthodontic Problems Treated?

Orthodontic treatment can be applied to all age groups. The duration of treatment and treatment planning vary according to the structure of the teeth and jaw, and according to the average age. In addition, while our clinic applies this treatment, it also performs procedures that provide an aesthetic appearance. In this way, both dental and jaw disorders are eliminated, and an aesthetic tooth appearance is created.

Painful Jaw Joint Treatment

Problem formation in the jaw area affects daily life quite negatively. Many processes such as speaking, chewing, and eating takes place in the jaw joint. Painful jaw joint treatment is one of the treatment methods that should be applied without delay. The jaw joint is the joint that provides the formation of the lower part of the jaw and the temporal bone. Many problems and discomforts can occur in the jaw area. Examples of these are:

  • Jaw locking may occur because of sudden movements.
  • Jaw fractures may occur because of hard blows.
  • Genetic congenital missing joint structures are also among jaw problems.
  • Serious disorders such as jaw tumors may occur.
  • Chewing problems and difficulty in eating are among these ailments.
  • Diseases in the jaw joint and jaw may cause painful jaw joint discomfort.

Pain in the head, jaw parts and neck pain are the harbingers of the discomfort in the jaw joint. Most of the discomforts in the jaw joints are experienced because of sudden blows. The mouth remains open for a long time while the painful jaw joint treatment is applied. For this reason, anesthesia is applied for the area to be treated.

What is Jaw Joint Discomfort?

Most of the jaw disorders go outside the jaw and even affect the tooth structure. It can cause grinding and crooked teeth. For the problems experienced in the jaw joint, the jaw structure and problem should be determined thoroughly, and extensive investigations are made. Mouth and tooth measurements are taken according to the jaw muscle and structure, and their compatibility is determined.

If necessary, imaging systems such as MRI can be used to make the correct diagnosis. These treatments aim to create a painless jaw joint structure for the patient. The degree of problems and disorders is diagnosed according to the structure of the mouth and jaw, and the most appropriate treatment method is determined by the specialists. After the treatment, a diet should be done; the Consumption of foods that will force the jaw structure should be avoided. Painful jaw joint treatment can change the way of nutrition and even prevent nutrition. Therefore, early treatment is very important.

Causes of Jaw Joint Discomfort?

There are many causes of discomfort in the jaw joints. Habits such as squeezing and grinding the teeth, chewing constantly in the same place, formation of crooked teeth caused by missing teeth, sudden traumas and blows in the jaw area, postural disorders, congenital hereditary disorders in jaw structures and nail-biting are the causes that disrupt the jaw structure and cause discomfort. In such cases, you can apply to our clinic and enter the treatment process quickly.

Snoring Treatment

Today, snoring is one of the unbearable problems of many people. For this reason, many people seek treatment for snoring. Snoring is a disease with a cure. In our clinic, we find solutions to your snoring problems and treat them.

Snoring is the biggest obstacle to our efficient sleep. When efficient sleep is not provided, our daily life may be disrupted due to insomnia. To eliminate snoring and to know the cause, a specialist’s support should be obtained, and treatment should be started.

The size of the snoring may also be in the dimensions that require urgent intervention. Snoring by being breathless, which we call sleep apnea, is quite dangerous and paves the way for permanent disorders after continuous apnea attacks. In addition, people who snore constantly by being out of breath have permanent blood pressure disorders.

The main reason for snoring is that the airway between the nose and mouth is blocked or narrow. When breathing vibrates and turns into a snoring sound, there may be situations that cause discomfort around you. The causes of snoring by age groups may also be different.

In the pediatric age group, the tissues in the throat are larger than they should be. This is the main cause of snoring in children. Examples of these are the size of the tonsils and adenoids. Weight gain also shows parallelism with snoring. The snoring problem of the child group disturbs the children in the later stages and the families demand that snoring be treated.

How Is Snoring Treated?

The snoring problem is seen in most people. Snoring occurs due to simple reasons such as nasal congestion. Preventing snoring depends on healthy life and a balanced light diet. Snoring treatment is applied by specialists with correct determinations and the problem is resolved.

What is the Snoring Prosthesis?

One of the measures taken by specialists to prevent snoring is the use of a snoring prosthesis. A snoring prosthesis is applied by attaching it to the lower and upper teeth. The prosthesis attached to the lower jaw opens the air channels by pulling the jaw forward. With a very simple method, snoring is treated by opening the air channels. The use of prosthesis, which is very cost-effective, provides a simple solution to snoring. It can be used anywhere due to its portable size. Thus, the snoring problem, which causes serious discomfort, can be eliminated with simple methods. In our clinic, both your oral and dental health are taken care of, and snoring treatment is applied.

Orthognathic Surgery (Jaw Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery)

Orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery, maxillofacial surgery) is applied to eliminate the defects in the entire jaw structure. It is very important to get the support of specialists in orthognathic surgery operations created together with the plastic surgeon. Most surgeries are performed with general anesthesia. The operations performed do not allow scar formation on the face and the operation is not obvious from the outside. Applications made in orthognathic surgery are the last treatments applied in cases where there is no other alternative treatment.

As it is known, the jaw is the joint area, and it is the part that we use mostly in daily life while eating and speaking. When evaluating jaw disorders, the head, face, lower jaw, and upper jaw are considered together. Jaw surgeries are operations that are mostly applied due to congenital hereditary jaw disorders and jaw, face and tooth incompatibility and are developed to fulfil the functions of the jaw. Most patients can also apply due to aesthetic disorders. The patient may have difficulties mostly in biting and chewing.

Who Can Have Jaw Surgery?

It is very important to provide the early diagnosis in orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery, maxillofacial surgery) and start treatment. Every surgery performed in this context should be performed on the adult age group. Adult age should wait for the full development of the jaw structure and facial development.

If these surgeries are for teeth, the development of the teeth is completed until the age of 12, and this age group is suitable for surgery. If jaw surgery is in question, the age of 18, which is the age of completing this bone development, is suitable for surgery. If there is an excessive jaw development deficiency, surgery is performed if the specialists deem it necessary, although it is not preferred. In addition, in cases where urgent intervention is required in the jaw joints, treatment can be started and operated with the decision of the specialist, regardless of age.

In Which Situations Is Orthognathic Surgery Applied?

Orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery, maxillofacial surgery) is usually the last stage treatment; It is a surgical field used in serious joint and bone disorders. As a result of sudden blows, serious damage can occur in the jaw joints and bones. Thus, treatment is applied immediately and recovery is expected.

Our clinic is at your side in your difficult treatment processes with its fully equipped and experienced specialists.

Snap-on Palate Holder (Appliances)

Nowadays, many alternative treatment methods have been developed for the solution of tooth and jaw problems. One of them is the detachable mouthpiece that people can use on their own. Snap-on palate is used to treat the crooked teeth and narrowness of the jaw. The palate holders, which are generally used for certain intervals, are an apparatus that people can easily put on and take off after a while. In addition, these palates are designed according to the jaw structure of the person.

  • You can engage in all activities throughout the day with the palate you wear.
  • After each meal, the removable palate should be brushed together with the teeth.
  • It can be easily stored in hygienic containers given to you by our clinic for the protection of your palate.
  • Orthodontic treatments do not require intervention at all ages. There are different treatment methods applied by specialists to every age group.

Snap-on palatal detachment is the apparatus produced for the elimination of the problem in the younger age group without orthodontic treatment. In this way, problems that can be solved with small interventions are treated, and when they are prevented from turning into serious ailments.

In younger age groups, deciduous teeth may fall out early. Other teeth may slip into the primary teeth space and crooked teeth may occur. One of the methods developed to eliminate this distortion is the removable plate holder.

Why is a palate holder used?

The jaw structure of humans is hereditary. Some jaw structures are narrower than they should be, and it is not possible to fit all the teeth. Pre-intervention on these jaw structures facilitates the treatments to be applied after.

With the removable palate, the width of the jaw structure can be created, and comfortable dental treatments can be applied. Crossed teeth also cause breakage and damage to other teeth. Fracture formation is prevented by attaching it to the crooked tooth parts with the palate. Some habits in infancy can disrupt the tooth structure. Thumb sucking of babies puts pressure on the palate and causes the teeth to protrude.

How long is the palate holder used?

With the regular use of the detachable palate, improvement can be seen in the structure of the teeth and jaw in 6 or 8 months. These periods and the course of improvement should be followed by the specialist and the duration of use should be determined. Removal of appliances should be for cleaning and eating. Apart from this, the use of appliances should be continuous. Cleaning can be done with water and a brush.

Orthodontic Treatments

There is a level and sequence that our tooth structures should be. Orthodontic treatments have been developed to eliminate these problems because the tooth structure is different in size and crooked than it should be. Orthodontic treatments examine the abnormally developing tooth structure, the face, the jaw, and the mouth structure to solve the disorder and the problems. With the orthodontic treatment service in our clinic, we correct the crooked tooth structure as the person wants.

The jaw structures are one of the parts where the most deterioration and problems occur in the human body. The jaw structure can be anterior or posterior. In some cases, it causes orthodontic problems with jaw mismatch. Most orthodontic problems are seen from infancy. Thumb sucking puts pressure on the palate. Sucking pacifiers and nail-biting habits of children can cause orthodontic problems. In addition, premature loss of deciduous teeth causes crooked formation in other teeth, thus requiring orthodontic treatments.

With the application of orthodontic treatments, it is aimed to arrange the teeth correctly and to provide tooth alignment compatible with the jaw structure. Specialists decide to apply orthodontic treatments. When deciding on the treatment, the detection of crooked teeth, the determination of problems, and the methods of eliminating them are taken into consideration.

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatments aim to obtain the appropriate tooth alignment for the mouth and jaw structure. Misbehaviors or structural disorders from childhood necessitate orthodontic treatment. After deciding on the right methods and stages in the treatments, the environment and dental hygiene are provided. For this reason, before starting the treatment, the teeth with caries and plaque are cleaned and made ready for the treatment.

How Are Orthodontic Treatments Applied?

The treatment begins when the mouth and teeth are completely cleaned and free of cavities and plaques. Measurements and analyses taken for treatment are developed over the model and progress is conveyed to the people through the model.

The application of orthodontic treatments varies from person to person. Because each person’s teeth, jaw, and mouth structure differ. The determination of orthodontic problems and the most appropriate treatment method is shared with the patient. With the help of appliance, the patient’s mouth remains open during the treatment process and the application of the treatment is facilitated. Our clinic brings you the teeth you want with the most affordable prices and the most accurate methods.
