Dental Treatments for Children at Doğapark Diş
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry. They take care of the dental health of individuals in the newborn period and adolescent period. Basic procedures such as treatment of dental caries, fractures in teeth, tooth extraction, tooth surface cleaning, oral and dental health education, fluoride applications, placeholder applications, placing caries protector on the tooth surface are performed for newborns and adolescent’s patients. It is very important for children aged 0-13 to protect their deciduous and permanent teeth. Children at this age should be taken to the dentist regularly by their families.
First Examination with a Pediatric Dentist
With the recommendation of the World Health Organization, after the baby’s first tooth comes out, the baby should be taken to the pediatric dentistry department and checked. The priority of pediatric dentists is to protect the child from dental caries. At this point, the awareness of families is very important. Pediatricians give training on how to protect the teeth of children or babies. Before the first examination, the child should never be told ‘don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt. This phrase puts dentists in the category of fear among children. The dentist should also be very conscious and examine the child without frightening him.
Fissure Sealer
Another meaning of fissure is molars. Fissure sealant provides sealing of the recesses of the chewing surfaces of the molars. These surfaces are the areas where molars are most prone to caries. In childhood, dental caries occurs and progresses in the pits on the chewing surfaces of deciduous and permanent molars. Since there is a high probability of caries in these areas, deep pits are closed with a fluid filling material called fissure sealant to prevent caries. This method is applied by pediatric dentistry.
Fluoride Application
The purpose of the Fluoride Application is to create a protective shield in the tooth structure and increase the resistance against dental caries. Fluoride application can be made from the age of 3 years. After the application, the patient should not eat or drink anything for 30 to 60 minutes.