Pediatric Dentistry - | Başakşehir Diş Doktoru - Başakşehir Diş Beyazlatma Tedavisi



Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dentistry in which studies are carried out for the dental health, dental treatment, and protection of our children between the ages of 0-15. This department is also called pedodontics. Dentists who work in the branch of dentistry that studies and work on oral and dental health and treatment of children at the age of development are called Pedodontists.

Oral and Dental Health in Children

Children’s mouth structures are much different from adults. Due to these different dynamics in children, it is very important to have a separate branch of dentistry that deals only with children and their dental health. That’s why pedodontists, because of the training they receive, work as dentists who are devoted only to pediatric oral and dental health.

In addition to standard dentistry education, pedodontists also receive training in child psychology for at least 4 years after graduation. They continue their services with the education they receive on the growth and development of children. The duties of the pediatric dentist include dental caries treatment, tooth extraction, and fractures in the teeth. In addition, dental surface cleaning, oral and dental health education, fluoride applications to the tooth, covering the tooth surface with caries protective materials (fissure tooth vaccine), placeholder applications and many other treatments are the duties of the pediatric dentist. But the primary goal of pediatric dentistry is to help children have decay-free teeth.

Dentists take care of children with systemic diseases who need special care, as well as healthy children. Individuals with physical or mental disabilities also benefit from treatment and follow-up services within the scope of pediatric dentistry examination.

Working Scope of Pediatric Dentistry

The development, care, and treatment of primary and permanent teeth of individuals aged 0-15 is the main field of study of pediatric dentistry. Other pediatric dentistry services.

-Preventive procedures for dental caries,

-Treatments of decayed teeth,

-Treatment and restoration of decayed deciduous teeth,

-Tooth extraction for teeth that can no longer be treated,

– Ensuring the proper formation of the dentition,

-Tooth eruption and dentition follow-up,

-Orthodontic treatments with a priority of preventive protection,

-Applications such as identification and treatment of gum diseases seen in childhood are included.

Fluoride Application

Fluoride is an element that prevents tooth decay by strengthening the structure of the teeth. It is an element found in the water we drink, in the air, and foods such as meat, fish, eggs and tea, and it increases the resistance of the tooth against caries. This element is found in trace amounts in toothpaste and contributes to the protective aspect of the pastes. Fluoride application aims to prevent, slow down or completely stop dental caries in children, adolescents and young people. For this purpose, it is the process of applying agents such as varnish, gel, the solution to the surface of the teeth.

Tooth enamel is a structure that covers the tooth. Since tooth enamel is not fully mature when it first starts to erupt, newly erupted teeth are much weaker against caries and more prone to caries formation. Here fluoride helps to strengthen this tooth enamel and protects teeth against acid attacks. It also fights the formation of new dental caries. Fluoride tablets are also available for children. However, nowadays, the application of fluoride finds it more appropriate to take the fluoride locally under the control of a dentist instead of taking it by mouth in a systematic way. Professional surface fluoride application can only be applied by dentists. This is a protective method. It is applied by your dentist in the form of fluoride gel at intervals of 3-6-12 months in the clinic environment and on all surfaces of all teeth.

How is Fluoride Application Made?

The dentist can administer fluoride therapy in several different ways. The teeth are dried so that the fluoride does not dilute. It is then applied to the tooth surface in the form of gel, foam or varnish. Fluoride can be applied directly to the teeth with a brush. Or it can be applied between 1 and 4 minutes with the help of a spoon.

When and How Often Should Fluoride Application Be Made?

It is applied during the development period of teeth in children. Flour gel application can be effective for 4 to 6 months, depending on the caries risk group your child has. At the end of these periods, it must be repeated. However, your dentist should decide on the frequency of these applications and which type of application to choose, with a special program that he/she will prepare for your child. It is not recommended to use it for a long time, side effects may occur over time. In addition to all these, mouthwashes containing fluoride will also add help. You can also apply fluoride in our clinic accompanied by a specialist doctor.

Fissure Sealer

Your child can have regular tooth brushing habits thanks to the guidance of their parents. However, in the deep pits that the brush bristles cannot reach, dental caries may occur over time. During the period when they start brushing, especially for children who cannot easily brush their molars regularly, caries usually starts from the back teeth first. The pits on the surfaces of these deciduous and permanent molars are called fissures. These fissure bruises account for 80-90% of all caries seen in children. Fissure sealant (dental graft) is used to stop the progression of caries in these teeth and to protect the teeth against caries.

What is Fissure Sealant?

Fissure sealant is a protective filling applied to the fissure areas of the teeth. Fissure applied to a decayed tooth surface is applied after the tooth is freed from caries and cleaned. This method, which is mostly used in children, is applied in a short time.

It requires minimal compliance as it is a painless procedure. This application can be applied to the tooth without local anesthesia. After it is done, there is no harm to the tooth. The process of covering these pits on the chewing surfaces of the patient’s teeth is a very effective protective application that ensures that the area is closed and remains caries-free for a long time.

What are the Benefits of Fissure Sealers?

By closing the deep pits on the chewing surfaces, the access of bacteria to that area is prevented. The formation of caries at these points where bacteria can no longer enter is stopped. Owing to this process, it is possible to prevent surface caries, which constitutes approximately 70% of all caries.

A transparent or white colored fluid fissure can be used when light discoloration of the teeth begins. Otherwise, after the loss of substance in the tooth begins to occur, it will no longer benefit, and a filling will be required. This method can be applied to children’s deciduous teeth and the permanent teeth of adults. Since there will be no feeling of height in the tooth after the procedure, it does not give a feeling of discomfort. In addition, there is no numbness since anesthesia is not applied.

How Long Does Fissure Sealant Protect? Should I have it done all the time?

You will only need to do this once. However, you should go to your dentist every six months and have a check-up. Of course, wear, breakage or falling may occur over time. However, studies show that fissures can stay in their deepest parts and provide protection for years.

First Examination with a Pediatric Dentist

The first examination with a pediatric dentist is among the subjects that parents want to be informed about. Unfortunately, the incidence of dental caries in children and young adults is increasing day by day. One of the most important reasons for the increase in this rate is the changing diet habits at developmental age. However, malnutrition can also cause serious problems on oral and dental health along with various health problems. In order not to experience irreversible problems in adulthood, it is necessary to start protecting our oral and dental health at a young age. Our children should be taught the correct oral and dental health protection rules from an early age by their parents. But, as with every subject, expert opinions on this subject are very precious.

When is the First Examination with a Pediatric Dentist?

According to the World Health Organization, the first examination by a pediatric dentist should be done after the first tooth erupts, that is, usually between 6 months and 1 year of age. Pedodontists, who treat diseases in the mouth and dental tissues in children, recommend that the first dental examination of children be done until the age of 1 after the eruption of the first deciduous tooth. The recommendation made by these specialists, who also practice preventive dentistry, is generally interpreted as ‘too early’ by parents. But your child does not necessarily have to sit in the dental chair for treatment at an early age.

Being familiar with the tools to be used during the treatment is a preliminary preparation for the time to come for treatment. In addition, owing to the pedodontist you meet at an early age, you can prevent some problems that children may encounter during their developmental stages.

What is done in the examination performed with the eruption of the first tooth?

  • It is taught which brush is more suitable for your baby’s teeth cleaning and which paste to use.
  • Information is given on preventing the transmission of bacteria from mother to baby.
  • Until what age the bottle and pacifier use should continue, the harms of habits such as thumb sucking or lip picking, and the processes of development in the child’s mouth, teeth and palate are explained.
  • Parents are informed about the nutrition that can be done to prevent dental caries and how often you should visit the dentist.

Dear parents, do not forget that all the good habits given to your child at an early age are very important for dental care and health. For this reason, we should put your children’s dental health under the control of specialists from a young age to prevent future problems.
