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Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, known as the last molars to erupt in adulthood, can cause discomfort in people because they do not fit the jaw structure in general or there is not enough space in the jaw. Due to the pain, abscesses and many other reasons that people experience, teeth are extracted or dental surgeries are intervened. Coming to our clinic for regular dental examinations will help you to follow the growth and development stages of your wisdom teeth and to prevent any problems in your dental health.

In Which Situations Do We Extract wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, which can erupt at different times in each person, generally appear between the ages of 18 and 30. Sometimes the tooth encounters obstacles in the process of eruption and can cause distress to the person. Infection, pain or disorders in the jaw structure may be the problems caused by wisdom teeth.

In some cases, the teeth may start to decay during or after wisdom teeth eruption. The general reason for this is the wisdom tooth either cut a gap in the gingiva or it may say embedded. Decaying can occur as bacteria or food particles enter this gap. Inadequate brushing is also one of the causes of decay. When a wisdom tooth decays, the probability of decay is high in the teeth next to it. In such a case, the tooth should be extracted in a sterilized environment in our clinic.

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause cyst formation. It is important to intervene to prevent the formation of a dental cyst. Conditions such as bone destruction caused by a dental cyst or changing the position of the teeth can be dangerous. To prevent serious problems, we intervene by specialists in our clinic in such cases.

During the eruption of wisdom teeth, an infection can occur in the gums. When there is an infection, swelling and redness of the gums are seen. Infection can cause oedema and pain, and at the same time, it can create a bad taste and smell in the mouth. Since there is a possibility of spreading the infection around the cheek and neck, intervention by a specialist is essential.

How Do We Treat?

Dental surgery is performed when necessary. Wisdom tooth surgery is performed using local anaesthesia. The bone tissue around the tooth is removed and the tooth is extracted. Another way is to extract the tooth more easily by cutting it into small pieces.

In some cases, the tooth is extracted as a result of removing the bone around the tooth by using surgical instruments by our specialists. After this operation is performed, sutures are placed on the operated area and this suture is removed after about 10 days. Painkillers or antibiotics are given to the patient for pain that may occur after the intervention.