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Special Treatments

In dentistry, the special treatments performed in the clinic can be listed as follows:

  • Implant
  • Orthodontics (braces)
  • Periodontology (gum)
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Digital Dentistry
  • Smile Design
  • Lamination
  • Aesthetic Dentistry
  • Zirconium
  • 3D Tomography


Implant treatment, which is one of the first applications that come to mind when it comes to dental treatments, is the placement of titanium screws into the jawbone to replace the missing teeth. These screws fixed to the jaw act as a tooth root. A dental prosthesis is placed on the placed screws. Today, this method, which is applied to many patients who have teeth loss, provides high patient satisfaction. The jaw structure of the person to be treated with this special treatment should be fully developed. For this reason, the age limit for the implant is 18 years.

Orthodontic Treatment (Braces)

Correction of crooked teeth is a branch of dentistry dealing with the lower and upper jaws. Poorly positioned teeth can cause discomfort in people and are difficult to clean. When crooked teeth are not cleaned well, there is a risk of developing gum diseases and premature loss of teeth due to dental caries. According to the problem experienced; It can be treated by using braces, special fixed applications, fixed placeholders, movable placeholders, jaw expander or mobile reinforcers.

Periodontology (Gum)

Bacteria in the mouth can cause tooth decay as well as inflammation in the gums. This inflammation, which causes redness or bleeding in the gums, can also turn into resorption in the bone surrounding the teeth over time. Sensitivity and shaking of the teeth due to gingival recession cause discomfort in daily life.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

It is the diagnosis and surgical treatment of all soft tissues within the mouth (tongue, cheek, lips, salivary glands, etc.), dental disorders, all kinds of diseases of the jaw and jaw joint and related diseases.

Digital Dentistry

In CAD-CAM technology; The size of the teeth is taken by (digital) photographing with the help of a camera. A design is made on the computer environment on this measure with a precision of 10 microns (one-hundredth of 1 mm).

Aesthetic Dentistry

These are procedures such as porcelain laminates, zirconium crowns, composite laminate & bonding and bleaching performed in the field of aesthetic dentistry.

Sports Dentistry

Sportsmen may be hit many times throughout their lives, depending on the sport they do. This is the branch of sports dentistry that deals with sports and exercise-related dental injuries, prevention and treatment of oral diseases.

If the severity of the blows that the sportsmen are exposed to is low, it causes heat increase in the body and injuries to the soft tissues. Most of the severe traumas experienced by sportsmen include injuries to the jaw and face. Impacts on the jaw and face can cause displacement and fractures in bones and teeth.

We can say that the most common injuries in the face and jaw area in sports accidents are dental injuries. Generally, this type of injury is seen in close combat sports, sports using sticks, football, basketball, skiing and racquet sports. In such cases, sports dentistry develops solutions to the health problems encountered.

Fractures in the jawbones and teeth are quite common in accidents and injuries in the face area. As a result of the injury, the upper jaw and usually the upper incisors are damaged. Fractures on the face and increased intracranial pressure may occur. Serious neck and brain injuries are also among sports injuries.

Sports Injuries

We have all seen the protection apparatus given to the sportsmen to put on their teeth in a boxing match or an American football match. Appliances produced to prevent such accidents in sports activities and to protect people from injuries are called ‘mouth guards or protective mouth guards. By keeping these mouthguards in their mouths, sportsmen protect their teeth, tongue, lips, cheeks and jaws against incoming blows. Another most important feature of this mouth guard used by sportsmen is that it creates a gap between the upper and lower teeth, preventing possible concussion of the brain, injury, and possible death.

Scope of Sports Dentistry

Sports dentistry continues studies for the methods of protection from maxillofacial injuries (it is a separate field of specialization for postgraduates in dentistry, it is the science that repairs the head, face and mouth, teeth, gums, and neck related diseases functionally or aesthetically). It should not be forgotten that it is as important to prevent possible situations as to treat injuries or traumas in sports dentistry.

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

The name of the ugly smell in the breath that comes from the mouth and disturbs the person and the people around him is bad breath (halitosis). It affects the communication between people negatively and causes the person to have a self-confidence problem. This situation, which seems like a minor problem, unfortunately, alienates people from social life and isolates them gradually.

Causes of Bad Breath

After dental caries and periodontal diseases, people most often refer to their dentists for complaints about bad breath. This problem, which can be seen at any age and in everyone, can be the harbinger of many diseases. These mostly physiological causes can also be pathological from time to time. Reflux and postnasal (nasal) discharge, poor condition of implants and prostheses, dental caries, bad fillings, cleft palate, tonsil diseases, gingival diseases, mucosal disorders, fungi and infections, tongue and tongue root layer are the main oral causes that create bad breath. In addition, a decrease in saliva, dry mouth and, unfortunately, oral cancers can also cause this negative situation.

Halitosis, which can be seen at almost any age and in everyone, is a condition that adults may encounter every morning at some point in their life. In addition, studies show that men are three times more likely to experience this annoying condition than women. As the age progresses, bad breath (halitosis) increases with the decrease in the fluidity of the saliva. The increase in diseases is also a reason for this.

Bad Breath Treatment

In recent years, the knowledge about the frequently encountered problem of bad breath has gradually increased. As a result of research in this direction, volatile sulfur compounds produced by bacteria in saliva and breath have become directly measurable. As a result of the research, the sources of odour and their reasons could be revealed more clearly.

Here are some suggestions as main ways to deal with this disturbing situation. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to our oral hygiene. We should not neglect to brush our tongue while brushing our teeth regularly. We can also use dental floss to clean the residues left between the teeth that we can’t get rid of just by brushing. If there is inflammation in our gums, we must consult a dentist and have the appropriate treatment. Chewing a mint gum or taking a clove in your mouth after meals will also help.
